Packaging Information

Product Packaging

We use aluminium for our pot of natural deodorant. It is lightweight, travels well and we know it can be recycled. The tin is wide enough so you can easily scoop just what you need.

Cardboard has been chosen over plastic for our push up deodorant range. Readily recycled and when that process ends we know it will decompose back into the earth. Again, lightweight, travels well with minimal additional packaging required. 

Why don't we use Glass?

Although glass can be recycled, it is heavy and requires extra packaging and the extra packaging it needs has an impact. We need your deodorants to arrive with you but the packaging also needs to be shipped to us in the first place too! 

Why we don't use Plastic

Plastic is cheap and practical and it would make our job so much easier if we didn't care enough not to use it. But we do. In the case of our deodorants, we don't need a shiny plastic case for the product to do the job it needs to do. 

Postal Packaging

We do not use plastic packaging. We use cardboard and jiffy green bags. Occasionally we will reuse packaging that has arrived with us from our suppliers but again, this will be plastic free.

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