Earth Conscious Ingredient Spotlight - Organic Grapefruit Essential Oil

Earth Conscious Ingredient Spotlight - Organic Grapefruit Essential Oil

Gorgeous Grapefruit

In this second of our ingredient spotlights, we focus on gorgeous Grapefruit Essential Oil. This fresh and sweet oil combined with lemon oil is used as a key fragrance in our Natural Deodorant Balm and Stick. It is such an uplifting oil!

We use essential oils to fragrance our natural deodorant because we love their skin-nourishing abilities as well as their mind and body balancing properties. Plus they often have specific anti-fungal and antibacterial properties too, perfect for a natural deodorant. 

You can read about Organic Lavender Oil here.

Our Grapefruit Essential Oil is extracted from the peel of grapefruits, grown in the USA under strict organic conditions. The oil is certified by the Soil Association as being organic, so we can feel confident that we have an ingredient of top quality, grown under strict criteria that we trust. 

Grapefruits themselves are a fairly new food item, having been introduced to the USA in the 1800s from Jamaica. It is thought that they were the result of a hybrid between a pummelo (a large exotic citrus fruit) and an orange. Citrus Paradisi (grapefruit trees) reach large sizes of 4-6 metres or more. The grapefruits grow in clusters of 6 and are usually picked by hand, from ladders. Once the essential oil is extracted from the peel of the grapefruit, it is a pale to golden yellow colour and like all essential oils, extremely precious and potent. 

Grapefruit Essential Oil has many benefits to us humans when applied to the skin or when the scent is inhaled. In skin products, it is often used in cellulite treatment as it encourages detoxification through the lymphatic system. Which we feel makes it perfect for a deodorant too as detoxification is extremely important in the armpit area! Grapefruit Essential Oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which makes this fresh scent amazing for our underarms which harvests a multitude of bacteria and microbes. 

As for our state of mind, the scent of Grapefruit essential oil is useful for reducing stress, increasing energy, and enhancing our mood. It is also used to treat headaches and hangovers and to combat fatigue. It is an excellent way to get you going in the morning, and amazing to think of all those benefits from applying your deodorant! Grapefruit Oil can also be useful to burn in an oil burner. Try it in the afternoon to give you a boost and relieve that afternoon slump! Or, simply sniff your Grapefruit Deodorant!


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